Travel Vaccinationsglobal air travel

If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to have an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required. 

We would recommend you arrange a travel advice appointment at least 12 weeks before you travel.  Due to ongoing pressures on NHS services, there are fewer appointments available for travel advice. 

Please could you complete the Travel Risk Assessment form below and bring it into the surgery. This will need to be done at least 12 weeks prior to your travel date. The practice nurse will then contact you at a later date to make you an appointment. PLEASE NOTE: It may not always be possible to accommodate your request for an appointment and you may be directed to an alternative service on these occasions.

Travel Risk Assessment Form 

Malarial prophylaxis is not available on a NHS prescription - There is a charge to the patient when picking up this prescription of £15.00.  This is a usual charge for a private prescription.

We can provide you with initial travel advice and free NHS vaccinations.  If you require more advanced vaccinations you will need to arrange this with an alternative provider.

A local provider of this service is:

Boots Pharmacy, 12-13 Cornhill, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1BQ

Tel - 01305 264340

Alternatively you can search online for travel advice.

PLEASE NOTE:  if you do have your travel vaccinations elsewhere, please let us know so we can update your medical records and cancel any travel vaccination appointments you may have made with us.



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