Clinics & Services
Child Health and Immunisation
All new babies are invited for a check-up with a GP at 6 weeks old. Appointments with a nurse for baby immunisations will be sent at the appropriate times. Please bring your child’s red book to these appointments.
Baby Clinics
Monday - Mulberry Children's Centre 9.30am - 12.30pm (Baby Weight Clinic only) Please ring for an appointment Tel 01305 361071Tuesday - Portland Hospital 9.30am - 12.30pm Please ring for an appointment Tel 01305 361071
Wednesday - No clinic
Thursday - No clinic
Friday - Littlemoor Health Centre 9.30am - 12.30pm Please ring for an appointment Tel 01305 361071
These clinics are run by the health visitors
Cervical Smears
From the age of 25 women are called every 3 years for a cervical smear. You will receive a letter from Dorset Health Authority. You can then make an appointment with one of our nurses to have the procedure done. Women can come at any time of their cycle (except when menstruating). It is a very important test as it detects early stages of cervical cancer that are then more likely to be treatable. Please discuss with a doctor if you have any questions.
- Baby Immunisations - please bring your Red Book to each appointment
- Pneumovax (Protection against pneumonia for over 65s and those in specific at risk categories)
- Hepatitis B for at risk groups
- Teen booster – Tetanus/Polio/Diphtheria (We immunise the patients who miss having these vaccines at school)
- Shingles for patients over 70
Travel Clinics
We would recommend you arrange a travel advice appointment at least 12 weeks before you travel. Due to ongoing pressures on NHS services, there are fewer appointments available for travel advice. it may not always be possible to accommodate your request for an appointment and you may be directed to an alternative service on these occasions.
Please could you complete the Travel Risk Assessment form below and bring it into the surgery.
Travel Risk Assessment Form
We can provide you with initial travel advice and free NHS vaccinations. If you require more advanced vaccinations you will need to arrange this with an alternative provider.
A local provider of this service is:
Boots Pharmacy, 12-13 Cornhill, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1BQ
Tel - 01305 264340
Alternatively you can search online for travel advice.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have your travel vaccinations elsewhere, please can you let the surgery know so we can update your medical records and cancel any travel vaccination appointments you may have made with us.
Led by our nursing team, this clinic offers advice and general health check-ups to patients diagnosed with diabetes on an annual basis. We will send you a reminder letter when your appointment is due.
Asthma sufferers can make an appointment for advice and support from our nurses who specialise in asthma care. Please look out for a reminder on your prescription repeat list to book an appointment.
Stopping smoking
We hold SmokeStop clinics here at the surgery. Please speak to your GP for further advice.
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder)
Our specialist nurse provides annual check-ups and can refer to Pulmonary Rehabilitation if required. Please look out for a reminder on your prescription repeat list to book an appointment.
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
The nurse practitioners hold hypertension clinics to check blood pressure and give lifestyle advice. Please look out for a reminder on your prescription repeat list to book an appointment.
As well as prescribing the contraceptive pill and injection we are able to fit coils and implants here at the surgery. Please discuss with your GP if you are considering one of these forms of contraception.
Minor surgery
Some minor operations can be done in our treatment room. Please discuss this with your doctor who will then arrange for you to be given an appointment.
Chiropody Service (for eligible patients only) Please see your doctor or nurse for advice.
Flu Clinics
Seasonal flu vaccination is available for all those over 65 and patients in the at risk groups. Children between the ages of 2 - 4 years of age are also eligible.