To make an appointment, please telephone or call in at the Surgery Monday to Friday between 08:30 – 17:30. We also offer an online appointment booking service. Please provide photo ID at reception to register for this.
We assign each patient a Usual GP to provide continuity and a good patient / GP relationship. Please co-operate with this system and book all routine appointments with your usual GP.
We will remind you of your appointment by text messaging, unless you tell us you don't want this service.
Urgent appointments and urgent telephone consultations are available on the same day. Please note this may not be with the person of your choice but may be with a Nurse Practitioner or the Duty Doctor.
Please understand that each person wishing to have an appointment will need their own appointment. Trying to fit more than one person into an appointment leads to a rushed and unsatisfactory appointment and also is unfair on the patients following you. Let us know if more than one person in the family needs to be seen. We can then give each person their own appointment.
Nurse Appointments
You can book your nurse appointments in the same way as you book the doctor or nurse practitioner appointment. However the receptionist will ask what your appointment is for, to enable us to book you an appointment of the correct length.
If you have been asked to attend an appointment by the hospital - perhaps to have some wound care or stitches removed, please allow us sufficient notice to provide you with an appointment. We can't cancel someone else's appointment to fit you in!
Please don't ask the nurse to do too much in one appointment as it may lead to a rushed appointment for you, a late finish to your appointment for the nurse and then making other patients late for their appointments.
Telephone Consultations
You can book to have a telephone consultation with a doctor. We cannot specify a time the doctor will call you but it will be at some point in the day.
It is important that the surgery has an up to date address and daytime telephone number so that we are able to contact you.
Appointment Duration
Appointments are normally booked for 10 minutes duration. Some consultations/procedures take longer than 10 minutes e.g. post-natal examination, coil fitting, dressings, immunisations. The doctor or nurse will advise you if you are to make a longer appointment with them. Our receptionists may ask you the nature of your appointment to ensure the correct appointment duration is booked.
Please do not present a list of problems to the doctor that will obviously take longer than one appointment. Your consultation may have to end before you get to the most important problem on your list and you may be asked to book another appointment! It can be a major reason for surgeries running late.
Late Arrivals
- Less than 10 minutes late and you will be seen, but the duration of your appointment may need to be reduced to be fair to patients following
- If you are more than 10 minutes late you will be deemed to have missed your appointment (just like trains and planes) and asked to re-book.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
Specialist and Hospital Care
If you and your GP decide that you need to see a specialist for more treatment, you can now choose where and when to have your treatment from a list of hospitals or clinics using the NHS Choose & Book system.
Following your GP consultation you will be sent details explaining how to make an appointment with the hospital of your choice.